Saturday 1 July 2017

Gaiafield Heartspace

A meditation to connect to Gaia where she is vibrating right now. You may find this on the Gaiafield Project - all about Subtle Activism for Global Transformation

Perhaps we might consider this part of Telling a New Story and changing the world movement of Findhorn's New Story hub.


Monday 26 June 2017

Boosting Shamanic Reiki Energy

Hawthorn Blossom - Heart Energy
As you move forward to give Reiki treatments both to yourself and to others, to your plants, or your animals or your space it is good to remember that Reiki comes from an infinite supply of energy & contains Love, Wisdom  and the Highest Spiritual Power. There is no limit to the benefits nor power that you can receive from Reiki, and so there is no limit  to the benefits for recipients of the Reiki you channel in a healing session. 

The space in which your practice Reiki will help improve the quality and power of the energy, so it is important that you 'set the space' before you bring patients into that room. There are the simple, prosaic measures one ensures are correct for any healing room - that it is neither too hot or cold, that it is clean and tidy, without being too clinical. Remember that in an untidy or cluttered space, energy will tend to gather. 

Clear the energy of the room .. you may smudge with sweet grass & sage, or use a bell, or a singing bowl, or incense, and you may wish to do this following the treatment, especially if you have more clients. As you cleanse the space, call upon your Guides, your Reiki Guides, the Ascended Masters and the Angels asking them to bless and support the healing of your client. You may also use fresh flowers, incense, essential oils, sound, or crystals to raise the vibrational frequency of the space. You may use 'higher consciousness' music to soothe and help yourself and/or the client into a more peaceful, relaxed and meditative state of being. 

Before the client is due, sit in a meditative state with your hands on your legs allowing Reiki to heal your own being. When you have reached Reiki Okuden, you may draw a Reiki symbol of light on each wall. At Reiki Shoden level, you may use a universal symbol of Light that resonates with your soul. By drawing this symbol on each wall, the ceiling and the floor, your are warding and setting the space to be a sacred space. 

You may wish to add words or a mantra to set this space as one of healing and sacredness. You may wish to do so for each symbol that you draw in energy, or you may project a symbol Reiki or otherwise, into the centre of the room, and allow that to fill the room or space with energy. If you  are working outdoors, you may delineate your space and set a specific space for healing by creating a dome, or a healing space. This is more advanced, and will take practice but is attainable by all Reiki Practitioners. 
You may also use a vibrational remedy to raise the vibration to set a sacred healing space. You will have seen me setting the healing space of the class. Filling the space with Reiki allows the healing session to remain a warded space. 

As you progress you may find that it benefits your client to send/project the Reiki symbols to the client's crown do they may arrive for the session in a receptive state of being.

 When allowing Reiki to flow into the client, it is well to be aware that no matter what your mind may be  doing, or whatever conversation you may be having, the Reiki will continue to flow into the client to where it is required. However talking to others about non related subjects is not the most healing way of working with a client. 

Giving Reiki is a spiritual and meditative experience and is most appropriately practiced with a reverence. If you meditate on the Reiki as it flows through you and out to the client, you will experience the energy in a more intense and direct manner, but it will also increase the flow and power.  You may then notice the currents of Reiki flowing not only through the pure Crown Heart channel and hands, but also throughout the rest of your Hara line. If you meditate on the Reiki as it flows out, your mind and being will merge and align with the energy you are working with, in that moment. This means that the Reiki energy flows more freely as it is unimpeded by your mind, or your ego, and merely flows as you connect to that higher frequency energy and merge with the flow.

At this point, if you use your third or inner eye, you may be able to 'see' the Reiki energy flowing and this is the point at which you may find that you rise to the higher planes and accelerated esoteric and spiritual wisdom comes to you. 

Ankh - Symbol of Light

Shower of Light Exercise

This short exercise can be done in less than five minutes and its effects can last for hours.
1.     Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
2.     With your eyes open or closed, imagine that you are standing under a shower of light, or a waterfall of light. If you have trouble with the image, recall how it feels to stand in the shower at home, then just replace the water with light.
3.     Make the light as beautiful as you can imagine. Make it as real as you can. Does it glow? Does it sparkle? Does it shimmer? This light can be any colour you want, many colours or pure white like the sun.
4.     Imagine that this shower of light is lighting up your body, penetrating your energy field, your clothing, and even your skin, becoming absorbed into your body. The light travels through your nervous system, and through your bloodstream. You breathe light in with each breath and breathe out any darker places with each outbreath.
5.     Continue until you can clearly imagine that you radiate light from the very centre of your being. You are now composed of the beautiful light that still showers you.
You can stay like this for as long as you want, or you can continue with the tasks of your day. When you choose to return to your regular activities, notice how much more refreshed you feel after the shower of light than before you started.
You can do this exercise as often as you want through the day. It is a basic exercise that acts as a good overall energy cleanser. It can serve as a pick-me-up if you feel your energy level has dropped. And it can be used as a way to centre yourself when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Enjoy this light. It is who you are.

Reiki Shoden, Attunement, Reconnections

Copyright of Photo is Crop circle connector. Circle 25th May 2017 The White Horse, Wiltshire

We approach Reiki Shoden attunement as we might approach a new crop circle, with preparation, eagerness and curiosity. Crop circles are mostly of unknown origin, there are many theories, many claims of ownership or creation, and yet we are still not fully consciously aware of the nature of this phenomena. 

We are aware of the energy involved in the creation of such symbols, and perhaps one or more of these 'circles' may resonate with our being.  The symbols may be part of our own language of light that we are re-learning as we re-connect to All That Is, the Universal Energy of Reiki; & Love.

A visit to a crop circle can be an interesting and exciting experience, whilst also being somewhat disconcerting, uncomfortable and scary as it is outside of our own experience. 

A Reiki Attunement 

Copyright Steve Alexander - Halpen Hill July 2016

Every person reacts differently to a Reiki Attunement, and each attunement can elicit a different reaction from the recipient. Some people experience a strangeness that manifests as strong emotions and a temporary acceleration of any health symptoms is also possible. This period of strangeness, symptoms and signs is known as a 'healing crisis'; something that is a usual occurrence when one is shifting one's reality, moving forward into a new way of being - and you might really call this also a detoxification process. Your physical body, and spiritual, mental and emotional body are allowing all that blocks your growth and ability to evolve, to rise to the surface to be recognized, accepted, released and cleansed.

So all those patterns of behaviour created in childhood as a self defence mechanism, or as a way of dealing with overwhelming energy, will be rising to the surface to be examined, and released. It can be a scary time as we move forward into the unknown.  This is a process that happens not only at this time, but throughout our life. However, at a time of attunement, this symptoms are more intense and apparent, as the cleansing and clearing process accelerated, and the symptoms appear, the toxins are released in a shorter more intense period of growth and re-alignment.

This is a temporary situation, and the intensity of this detoxification generally lasts no longer than 21 days. The cleansing and clearing process will continue, but not at such great intensity. The symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe;  and perhaps also one can consider them to manifest on the physical, or emotional levels. 

The following symptoms may arise:

Strong emotions such as fear, fury, worry, irritability, sadness, grief, 

Mood swings

Development of certain phobias

Fever, cold or flu

Nausea, ht://www.cropcircleconnecom/20

Fatigue, Restlessness

Pains - joints or muscular pain



The symptoms arise because the Reiki Attunement will stimulate your immune system to start a healing process. 

It is very rare that such symptoms would transform into any serious condition as usually they subside as you continue to practice Self-Reiki. 

However, it is important that the person undergoing a Reiki Attunement, consult with the Reiki Teacher/Master of any symptoms that arise, and keep the Teacher informed if any unusual or severe reaction appears. The Teacher can then help the recipient heal and work with the energies. 

How to ease or manage the symptoms

The best form of management is the increase in intake of fluids especially water. Those who have done the classes thus far are aware of how much water, and fruit is imbibed, so it is important that following the attunment, plenty of water and fresh fruit is available as soon as the session is completed. The water intake will help flush the toxins & other waste products out of the body, and speed up the cleansing process. The fresh fruit will help replace some energy. 

Other ways to manage or ease the process are to modify your diet and avoid processed foods. There is no one single diet that will resonate with all, so it will be up you to connect with your intuition and dowse what foods will resonate with you as you cleanse and release. 

There are specific meditation which will help alleviate mental and emotional stress, both mindful breath meditation, and visualization. 

It is important that you express your emotions in a healthy way, and do not repress even for  moment, but rather express in each moment, so there is no bottleneck, nor explosions.

Avoid negative thoughts and situations.

To be blunt, sometimes a good bowel movement will relieve symptoms too; and sometimes an enema or colonic irrigation will help should that be a path you choose.

Treat yourself gently; Take rest if you feel fatigue; In fact, get plenty of rest... no late nights, but lots of sleep. Remember frequently following an attunement, your Guides will have 'night school' during your dream-time.

Spend some period of time in nature, quiet, and peace.

It is important that you realize that the symptoms that manifest after a Reiki Attunement, are different from the symptoms that may appear as a side effect of medication. Appearance of the symptoms does not call for termination of the attunement, the symptoms put you on notice that you are in the initiation of the healing process. A shamanic initiation will produce similar symptoms, as will a spontaneous kundalini initiation.

The attunement is part of an initiation process. You should be ready and willing to move forward on your spiritual path, and  your healing journey. If you have serious doubts, then this is not the time to come forward for attunement. 

Remember if any symptoms appear that would normally make you call a doctor, then you must call a doctor. Be safe and well, and use your common sense.



Monday 3 October 2016

Shoden - Reiki I Attunement

Today we step over the threshold. Those who have attended from the first week will receive attunement this week and begin to accelerate their spiritual growth as the Reiki integrates into their system. Those who have been coming only for a week or so, will receive their attunements in 3 weeks. 

We will be working with Meditation as this is where Reiki is Rooted. Any inner power comes to fruition through meditation, so if your healing is a faint flame at the beginning, Reiki's meditations will feed the flames into a mighty fire.

As a Reiki practitioner, you will continue the Reiki practices that will bring Peace of Mind, heart centred peace, and peace that flows through your life. The Mental, emotional and spiritual healing of Reiki practice and energy will bring it's own clarity and peace.- simply allowing and aiding you to flow with the energies of the moment as your spiritual development continues. 

We will explore the traditional hand positions for self-healing, which is the path for the first few weeks, Later we will talk about the hand positions, and non traditional aspects of healing of others. As the weeks progress we will be doing Reiki Share and discovering the new experiences both spiritual and physical and emotional that come with practicing Reiki.

Spiritual healing is important as all other levels are simply an expression of our spiritual self/soul.

There are 2 classes. One at 2pm; & 7:30pm.
In The Old Storeroom at The Bank, Eye.
£7 per class.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Reiki Principles - Just for today I will be grateful

Just For Today I Will Live the Attitude of Gratitude

Repeat these twice daily with hands in Gassho position

 To be constantly in the mind space of gratitude is to live in abundance. When we feel thankful not only for what we have received, but also for what we trust and 'know' will be continually provided then we begin to magnetically attract abundance. This is the Law of Attraction at work, as we live each moment knowing that what we require to nourish our self, our being and our growth will manifest in our lives as naturally as we breathe. 

The idea of abundance is at the root of most ancient belief and religious systems. Indeed in some ancient sacred texts that pre-date the New Testament gospels, Phillip quotes Jesus "...what you see, you shall become..."  - This can be found in the Nag Hammadi texts. To understand one's own self, and to be self-aware, is to understand the God within, the Divine; by journeying deep within we can learn to transmute or change fear into love, ignorance into wisdom and lack into abundance. 

If you focus upon what is lacking in your life, you are sending out the negative energy of lack and loss. This will naturally continue attract in the negative energy, and yet if you focus on abundance in all areas of your life, the abundance will manifest and increase in all areas of your life.  To be truly in Gratitude is to know in heart, mind and soul, that All Is One, all is connected, and we are all part of One. There is no separation, from the Source/God/Divine - this is an illusion. We are all part of the Whole. 

Remember that is important to accept the abundance that is rightfully yours, and is not a result of taking from another. If you feel deep within, subconsciously, that you are 'unworthy' of abundance and wealth you are placing an obstacle to the flow of abundance to yourself. Many healers, empaths, lightworkers feel that the nature of their work means they will never gain abundance or material wealth. This is an outdated belief system that must be released so that we can allow abundance to flow to us. 

Each person is different, and it is important to find the cause of this outdated belief system so that it can be healed, released and transmuted. Then you may move forward into a state of abundance. In most cases the channels through which abundance and harmony usually flow are either underdeveloped or clogged with the detritus of self-doubt, negative beliefs about the self and 'martyr' energy. As you work with Reiki, the Universal Life Force energy will help clear those channels and open the person to the state where all is connected and abundance is aligned with the self and the Source. 

There is a simple way to align with the life force in your area, originally from the Hermetic Sciences, using the Star Exercise. 

You stand for 3-5 minutes with your feet apart, arms and hands outstretched - left palm up and right palm down. The Universal Life Energy enters your left palm, and flows through the heart and solar plexus area, charging your entire body, while the surplus flows out through your right hand. When practiced in the morning, you will feel energized. When practiced in the evening, a relaxing sensation is likely. When you have received a Reiki Attunement you may do the self treatments which will give you  an amplified version of this exercise.
Once  you have connected to this energy and you can feel or sense it flowing through your whole body, then you can focus your attention on feeling successful and living a life of abundance in all areas of your life. 

The Universal Life energy will boost the channels of your Inner Self and open them to the inflow of this energy which will connect you to All That Is and so to all that you desire that is aligned with your highest good.

Next, you may make a step towards achieving your goals. Use only positive affirmations as success, abundance and prosperity flow towards positive energy - while using the Universal Life Energy will sustain and boost the power of your affirmations. 

After attunement, you will find that self-treatment will clear away the old subconscious belief patterns and behaviours that block your flow of abundance and prosperity.


Golden Pyramid of Light
 I have long been an admirer and follower of Jean Hudon. This is the Global Meditation for September 22nd 2016.
Once again, the main goal of this Equinox Meditation consists in calling the Universal Consciousness into our collective consciousness, all at the same time-asking It to do so being a pivotal Key offered for global spiritual awakening on Earth and beyond-and let It feel and see through our collective awareness, thus allowing all participating souls to partake at the same time of this Universal sensing Oneness experience, each according to its ability to integrate part of this infinitely vast sentient Being's awareness in our own consciousness.
Being All The Joy That We Can Be

As all humans progress on the path to spiritual enlightenment and as an ever greater number of souls remember who they are, a sense of permanent joy is gradually seeping through their consciousness from the realm of eternal bliss where they originally came from. It is important for each one of you to become ever more acutely aware that allowing this heavenly feeling to blossom freely is a key to further accelerating your progress. You have to literally make a conscious choice, each and every waking moment of your life to enable the healing power of Life to act through you and in you by accepting joy as your natural state of mind, no matter how difficult the circumstances you may be in at any given moment, no matter how great the challenges you may face.

Anchoring your basic feeling about life in deep, unrelenting joy will catalyze in a much more direct and efficient way than any other means your spiritual awakening and, in so doing, you will be able to tap within you, from the Source of your very existence, the tremendously potent Forces of Light and Love that have remained dormant for most of the times when your consciousness was embroiled into the travails and tribulations of physical incarnation, over numerous lifetimes. This growing and yet innate sense of blissful joy can express itself through laughter or simply as a subtle smile, but it is much more than such superficial expressions. Joy as an enduring attitude towards all experiences in life will unlock the unexpressed potential for spiritual clarity, relaxed contemplation and hyper focused attention that are necessary to ascend into the higher dimensions of existence which is the true Promised Land towards which all are striving.

May Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy, Healing and Joy prevail in every heart.
I will be teaching Reiki tomorrow at 15:21 BST, so I will incorporate part of this in the class, and as Jean remarks, if you are unable to be present at 15:21, then choose any part of the day and project yourself through time to that moment and connect into All That Is and the other Lightworkers.
Recently there has been a resurgence of that deeper inner knowing and understanding that we are all connected, and that the illusion of being only flesh and moral, is just that - an illusion. Many of us have come to realize that we really are a soul having a physical experience.

And yet;that old conditioning of separation from the One, still holds us firmly in its grip, even as we struggle to pull free, we keep forgetting 'who we are' and sink back into those automatic mindless pursuit of the material items. We, once more, forget our soul self, and submerge ourselves into the idea of that we are mortal and 'theoretically' we have a soul. But whenever we shift into a deep meditative state and calm down that rapid fire monologue our mind and ego keeps going, we can switch off that old sense of separation, and flow into that altered state, almost like a dream realm where we can see the thoughts rising like bubbles from the sea, flashing a myriad of perceptions as the boundless wisdom and information we are suddenly accessing from the Akashic Records and the archives of the Universe is at our fingertips. An touch screen connection to a computer of the Cosmos is at hand when we are in this Divine State of being.

At this point, its really hard to doubt that we are far more than the physical vessel we inhabit in this moment, in this space, on this planet. Time is no longer a construct that is valid to this state of being - and we can relax into a deep, enveloping peace that pervades the mind and the soul. In this space, we have available infinite power to create and manifest whatever nourishes our growth, our highest good, the highest good of all as we align with the Highest Good of the Cosmos/Universe/Divine.  

Friday 16 September 2016

In the Eclipse tunnel, up is down and left is right. - Dana Mrkich

 I was reading Dana's blog this morning and for those of us 'floundering' or feeling suddenly off balance, these words may resonate.

If you feel like a whirlwind has picked you up and is yet to set you down, it is partly because we are in the middle of two eclipses (Solar on 1 Sep and Lunar on 17 Sep).
An eclipse window is like a fast-moving tunnel that feels like a scene out of the Willy Wonka movie. Up is down and left is right. Unexpected events can hit you out of the blue. Flashes of insight and aha moments can give you crystal clear clarity about issues that have been hazy for years. It is a really good time to journal, meditate or draw it outif you have questions to ask your inner self and shadow aspects. It can be a time of healing and resolution, crisis or great change. 

 This is the Sidhe Glyph as found in John Matthews Book on the Sidhe.

A doorway is opened at the beginning of an eclipse window, and closes at the end (with after-effects felt for months afterward). Time feels different, a lot happens quickly. It is like our souls take over the wheel and we have to go with it, ready or not. Life-altering opportunities and experiences shift your path from one direction to another, just like that.
This eclipse window feels particularly powerful because September this year has some very strong energy moving through it. I'll write more on that tomorrow!
How has your month been so far? x

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included.

Dana is in Australia, so for those of us in the Northern hemisphere the eclipse is 16/09/2016 and tonight.